Seven Good Reasons to Hire A Car Accident Lawyer In Augusta, GA

By Jackson Law Offices, P.C. January 22, 2019 7 min read

A healthy amount of skepticism can serve you well in life. So if you were recently in a car accident in Augusta and are wondering whether it really makes sense to hire a lawyer, we don’t blame you. It’s a big decision, worth making carefully.

Truth be told, in some instances (such as those involving very minor injuries or no injuries at all), there isn’t a compelling reason to hire a lawyer.

But in many other instances, there are very good reasons why you should hire a car accident lawyer in Augusta, GA.

The personal injury laws in our state are highly protective of unfairly injured car crash victims. Hiring an experienced lawyer can help you understand those laws and stand up for the rights they afford you — including your right to comprehensive financial compensation (if you’ve suffered damages as a result of someone else’s negligence).

Below, we offer seven compelling reasons for hiring a car accident lawyer in Augusta.

1. Insurance Companies Aren’t Easy to Deal with on Your Own

By the time you’re reading this article, you may have already been contacted by an insurance adjustor. If you haven’t yet, it’s likely that you will be soon. And when that happens, you need to be careful.

Insurance adjustors work for the insurance companies. They don’t work for you, they don’t represent your interests, and they aren’t on your side — no matter how friendly they might seem (and no matter what the insurance company’s TV commercials might say).

In fact, adjustors are specially trained to coax car accident victims into acting against their own self-interest. They may ask leading questions over the phone. They might try to lure you into making recorded statements without an attorney present. You might end up accidentally “admitting fault” in a conversation when you thought you were just being polite.

Even if you say and do all the right things, insurance companies are notoriously difficult to work with. The process of claiming compensation can be unreasonably slow or complex — sometimes by design (in the hopes that you’ll just give up and go away).

By hiring a car accident lawyer in Augusta, you can let an experienced professional handle the insurance companies for you.

2. Insurance Adjustors Might Not Take You Seriously without an Attorney

Ideally, insurance companies would treat everyone equally and fairly, right off the bat. But that isn’t always the case. An insurance adjustor’s job is to assess an incoming claim for how likely it is to cost the insurer money.

If you aren’t represented by an attorney, the adjustor might reasonably conclude that your claim is less likely to go to trial. Indeed, they might even assume that you don’t know enough about the law to even understand how much money you’re really owed.

Too often, insurance companies view unrepresented claimants as vulnerable — prime targets for saving money. When you hire a car accident lawyer in Augusta, you send a clear message to the insurer: you are serious about your claim to compensation, and you refuse to be taken advantage of.

3. Car Accident Claims Are Complex

Georgia personal injury law is complex, comprised not only of statutes but also many years of case law and legal precedent. There’s a lot to know about your rights, the procedures and time limits for filing a claim, and the various damages to which you might be entitled.

We’ve often found that our clients didn’t realize how much compensation they were entitled to until they came in for a free consultation with our Augusta car accident lawyers. That might be the case for you too.

There may be additional parties responsible for your accident, for example, or additional damages that are recognized under state law — things you might not be aware of on your own.

That’s why we urge injured parties to make sure they fully understand their rights before making any decisions about legal action. To that end, we offer no-cost, no-obligation consultations to car accident victims in Georgia.

4. As an Individual, You Don’t Have the Experience or Resources of a Law Firm

Insurance companies have extensive financial resources, not to mention an expansive team of attorneys at their disposal. It’s difficult for any one individual to match the insurance company in terms of resources.

By hiring a law firm, you can help to level the playing field. Depending on the circumstances surrounding your claim, there are a number of resources we might be able to tap for you at M. Austin Jackson Attorney at Law. These can include (but are not limited to):

  • Hiring accident reconstruction specialists
  • Recruiting and hiring expert witnesses for medical testimony or other important types of testimony
  • Obtaining police reports, surveillance footage, and other evidence
  • Advancing the costs of litigation
  • Conducting extensive legal research relevant to your claim

Of course, the most valuable resource of all might be experience. When you contact M. Austin Jackson at Law and hire a car accident lawyer in Augusta, you put decades of legal experience on your side. We’ve learned a lot through our experience in negotiations and trials over the years. Drawing on our record of success, we can leverage aggressive and effective strategies on your behalf.

5. Peace of Mind

Filing a car accident claim can be extremely stressful and time-consuming. The feeling that you’re “fighting a battle” or “facing a giant” (common phrases we hear from overwhelmed accident victims) can take a serious toll on your quality of life — and at a time when you should be healing.

When you hire a car accident lawyer in Augusta, you shift the burden onto the shoulders of an experienced professional who can zealously represent your best interests and set you free from undue worry.

6. Hiring a Lawyer Improves Your Chances of Getting the Compensation You Deserve

Studies show that auto accident victims who hire a lawyer are more likely to recover a larger amount of financial compensation than they would have otherwise.

At M. Austin Jackson Attorney at Law, this is our core mission: fighting to maximize compensation for our clients. And given how important your finances are to your recovery, it might just be the best reason why you should hire a car accident lawyer in Augusta, GA.

7. It Won’t Cost You Anything Upfront (So Schedule a Free Consultation Today!)

Call Car Accident Lawyer

Have you or your loved ones recently been injured in a Georgia auto accident? If so, you can talk to one of our experienced Augusta car accident attorneys for free — with no obligations whatsoever — during a complimentary case review.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can’t afford a lawyer. Insurance adjustors are notorious for implying that hiring an attorney is unnecessary, too expensive, or will only make things worse. But that argument is in their favor, not yours.

At M. Austin Jackson Attorney at Law., we make sure that auto accident victims never have to deny themselves justice because they can’t afford a lawyer. To that end, if you choose to hire us, you won’t have to pay us anything unless and until we get you money. Our fee will only be a portion of your total recovery. In other words, there is truly nothing to lose.

Give us a call today: 706-724-2661.

Begin Your Path to Compensation

Our experienced team is here to advocate for you. In our first meeting, we’ll get to know your story, clearly explain your legal options, and help you make an informed decision on the right next step.