Swimming Pool Safety Tips

By Jackson Law Offices, P.C. August 9, 2017 4 min read

Swimming pools can be a fun and easy way to escape the summer heat. As more families flock to personal and community pools, it is important to be aware of what you can do to prevent serious injuries at the pool. Protect your family with these tips to prevent accidents:

  • Always supervise children in the pool, and never swim alone. Young children should always have an adult within arm’s reach. Many times, drowning or near-drowning accidents aren’t noticed in time to be prevented, so it is important to ensure there is adequate supervision at all times.
  • Know where rescue tools are located, including a charged mobile phone. In the event of an emergency, it is important to know where lifeguarding tools, such as a rescue float, life preserver, or shepherd’s hook are located. A charged phone should also be kept handy to call for emergency medical assistance.
  • Teach your children how to swim, or enroll them in swim lessons. They should be able to float, tread water, and swim to the edge of the pool.
  • Use life vests on children who are young or those who are not confident swimmers. Inflatable “floaties” and pool toys are not a safe substitute for a life jacket.
  • Do not allow diving or jumps into water that is less than 6 feet deep or has other swimmers in the area. Doing so can result in head, brain, neck, and spinal injuries.
  • Don’t allow children or teens to run in the pool area, wrestle or engage in other forms of horseplay, or perform tricks, such as flips. Serious injuries can result from these activities, including brain and spine injuries, fractures, and drowning.
  • Do not allow intoxicated people to supervise other swimmers or enter the pool area. Alcohol can reduce inhibitions, hinder judgment, slow reactions, and impair coordination, which can lead to accidents around a pool.


If you are a homeowner and have a pool on your property, it can be important to ensure that your pool is safe for your family and guests. Protecting your pool can reduce your liability for accidents, as well as keep your loved ones safe from harm. Here are some tips to help you make your pool safer:

  • Ensure that your pool is completely enclosed by a tall, sturdy fence. The fence should measure at least 4 feet high and be made of a sturdy material, such as wrought iron.
  • Install self-latching gates at every entrance to the pool. The latches should be high enough that small children cannot reach them. You may also consider installing gate alarms that will alert you to the gate being opened.
  • Ensure that the pool area is well lit, and tripping hazards are kept clear to prevent falls.
  • Never allow swimmers in the water with a pool vacuum or cover still in place. Completely remove and store these objects while the pool is in use, and replace them after you are finished.
  • Post CPR directions and emergency numbers in a conspicuous location, along with rescue tools.
  • Put away pool toys in between uses to prevent children from being tempted to enter the pool area to play with them. Never allow children to bring regular toys into the pool area.
  • Check the water in your pool to ensure that the chemical balance is correct, and clean the pool regularly to prevent debris from building up. Always store pool chemicals in a cool, protected place.
  • Never use ungrounded electrical devices around the pool. If you have outlets near the pool, ensure that ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlets are installed.

Our team at M. Austin Jackson Attorney at Law hopes your family has a safe and healthy summer. In the event of an accident, though, you can trust that our skilled, knowledgeable Augusta personal injury attorneys will be there to help you through this stressful time. If you or a loved one has been injured in a swimming pool accident, don’t wait to get in touch with our lawyers and begin your claim.

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